Claim £15K P.A. for training Arb apprentices in 2023.

The Government are incentivising employers to take on apprentice staff offering you £1,000 for an apprentice placement. You can spend this on their P.P.E so your not even having to pay for that. The arborist funding band suggests you can also claim up to £15,000 funding up to 95% of arborist training with the employer contributing just 5%. Find links below:

Apprentices do have employee rights and should recive at least the UK minimum wage as set for their age in the UK at time of publication this is quoted as £4.81 for apprentices 16-18 or 19+ in their first year. However from April 2023 this minimal rate will increase to £5.28. Of course I am sure you can incentivise them with bonuses for time keeping, attendance, training achivements and care of equipment and P.P.E something I personally feel would benefit most staff and therefore the employer. 

So how can arbjobs help ? 

Well we offer existing clients free apprentice/trainee adverts *(terms apply) our thoughts are if a client is willing to invest in someone to work in our industry the least we can do is support them. 

In turn via our social media followers we will promote these posts out to the clients demographic raising awareness of arboriculture as a career option. 

* It must be clear within the advert that this is a true trainee/apprentice post with no demands for prior training certification and the job title and sector must be placed in the trainee section of the site. 

Claim up to £15,000 P.A for training.
Claim up to £15,000 P.A for training.