When logged in you can send a message and CV to any employer with two simple clicks saving you loads of time applying. Add your application message and CV to your profile and they will remain on your jobseeker account. When logged in to the site and searching for jobs you can add the either your message or CV to any application.
You can add one generic message to your Jobseeker account when logged in this message can be added to any application with one click saving you time. Take time to ensure your message is suitable as you will mostly be speaking directly to the employer so try to avoid spelling mistakes and bad gramma.
It is a good idea to take some time to draft up a short paragraph about yourself off line, run a spell check over the text and get someone else to read it through just to make sure it reads well.
Summarise your experience and work ethic. Your message needs to be short and punchy. Your C.V. can go in to more detail but this initial message is to gain the employer’s attention.
You can amend your message at any time either via your personal details or before you send a message. Be aware if you amend the message to any one employer your main saved message is also changed.
You can add your CV file to your Jobseeker account use the Browse option to search your files. It is good practice to save your CV as a PDF file as employers will be happier to download and open a PDF file over other alternatives. Before you do this ensure your CV is up to date. If you don’t yet have a CV there are some great websites out there providing free CV templates for you to work from just do a google search to find something suitable. Save a copy of this as a word document so you can amend it in the future and save another copy as a PDF file to upload to your account.
Once you have sent a message to an employer it will be kept on your account any employer messages via the website will appear in your messages file so make sure you check them just to ensure they are not going adrift in to your personal Spam or junk filters.